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Mella, Tiempo voraz, del león las garras,
deja a la tierra devorar sus brotes,
arranca al tigre su colmillo agudo,
quema al añoso fénix en su sangre.
Mientras huyes con pies alados, Tiempo,
da vida a la estación, triste o alegre,
y haz lo que quieras, marchitando al mundo
Pero un crimen odioso te prohíbo:
no cinceles la frente de mi amor,
ni la dibujes con tu pluma antigua;
permite que tu senda sìga, intacto,
ideal sempiterno de hermosura.
O afréntalo si quieres, Tiempo viejo:
mi amor será en mis versos siempre joven.
(William Shakespeare, Soneto de Amor XIX)

The Enigma of Beauty by Rino Stefano Tagliafierro 

«Devouring Time, blunt thou the lion's paws,
And make the earth devour her own sweet brood;
Pluck the keen teeth from the fierce tiger's jaws,
And burn the long-lived phoenix in her blood;»
(W. Shakespeare, Sonnet no. 19)

Over Beauty, there has always hung the cloud of destiny and all-devouring time.

Beauty has been invoked, re-figured and described since antiquity as a fleeting moment of happiness and the inexhaustible fullness of life, doomed from the start to a redemptive yet tragic end.
In this interpretation by Rino Stefano Tagliafierro, this beauty is brought back to the expressive force of gestures that he springs from the immobility of canvas, animating a sentiment lost to the fixedness masterpieces.
Its as though these images which the history of art has consigned to us as frozen movement can today come back to life thanks to the fire of digital invention.
A series of well selected images from the tradition of pictorial beauty are appropriated, (from the renaissance to the symbolism of the late 1800s, through Mannerism, Pastoralism, Romanticism and Neo-classicism) with the intention of retracing the sentiment beneath the veil of appearance.
An inspiration that returns to us the sense of one fallen, and the existential brevity that the author interprets as tragic dignity, with an unenchanted eye able to capture the profoundest sense of the image.
Beauty in this interpretation is the silent companion of Life , inexorably leading from the smile of the baby, through erotic ecstasies to the grimaces of pain that close a cycle destined to repeat ad infinitum.
They are, from the inception of a romantic sunrise in which big black birds fly to the final sunset beyond gothic ruins that complete the piece, a work of fleeting time." -- Giuliano Corti


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